Forum Rules


Staff member
1. About the rules.
1.1. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
1.2. The rules may change.
1.3. All participants are obliged to follow the rules.
1.4. Each section may have its own “local” rules that also have to be followed.

2. About the administration.
2.1. Forum administration does not assume any responsibility for information posted in the Forum.
2.2. Forum administration does not assume any responsibility for any actions of the Forum members.
2.3. Forum administration does not assume any responsibility for any services provided at the Forum.

3. About the registration.
3.1. The cost of registration at the Forum is free.
3.2. It is prohibited to register more than one account at the Forum.
3.3. It is prohibited to register any user name similar to the ones of the other Forum participants.
3.4. It is prohibited to register any user name similar to the ones of any persons who are well-known in the area of underground and e-commerce.
3.5. It is prohibited to register any user name containing the address of any resource, as well as any strong or coarse language.
3.6. After the registration at the Forum, the participant acknowledges their unconditional agreement with the Forum Rules and the possible consequences in case of violation thereof.

4. About advertising
4.1. It is prohibited to post any advertisements that were not agreed with the Forum administration;
4.2. False posts supporting any seller or service.
4.3. It is prohibited to post any advertisements in signatures, on avatars, in user profiles or in any other ways if it has not been verified by the Forum Administration.
4.4. Any Forum member who posted any advertisement that was not verified and agreed by the Forum administration receives demerit points..

5. About the usage of Private Messages in the Forum and Telegram, Jabber
5.1. It is prohibited to advertise any services, products in Forum participants’ PM/Telegram/Jabber
5.2. It is prohibited to make mass mailing in Forum participants’ PM/Telegram/Jabber.
5.3. It is prohibited to spam with questions in Forum participants’ PM/Telegram/Jabber.

6. About posting.
6.1 It is prohibited to place any posts/topics which subject does not correspond with the section/topic subject.
6.2. It is prohibited to give meaningless names to the topics. (Topics like Here or Attention may be deleted).
6.3. It is prohibited to post identical messages/topics in one or more sections.
6.4. Excessive quotation is prohibited.
6.5. Flood is prohibited.
6.6. Off topic writing is prohibited everywhere except for the "Offtopic" section.
6.7. Cadging is prohibited.
6.8. It is prohibited to rise a topic more than one time per week.
6.9. It is prohibited to place any links to the files containing any malicious code.
6.10. It is prohibited to place any links to any other similar forums including in the signature, avatar, and user profile or in any other ways.
6.11. It is prohibited to insult any other Forum participants.
6.12. It is prohibited to post any confidential information about Forum participants. (Except for the cases when it was agreed with Forum Administration).
6.13. It is prohibited to unreasonably raise any old topics.
6.14. It is prohibited to post any lists with information about the holders, their credit cards, etc.

In case of repeated violations of the Forum Rules, you will be banned. Ban removal costs 30 $.
The Administration reserves the right to deny your ban removal without giving any reason.