Exchange cryptocurrencies and fiat on favorable terms.
I will not waste time on standard advertising slogans about "efficiency, safety and quality". All you need is to see for yourself.
Crypto to fiat - 2-3%
We carry out fast and profitable exchange of cryptocurrencies to fiat with minimal commissions. Check the current rates in Telegram.
Crypto to crypto – 2%
(even dirty money is accepted)
Exchange any cryptocurrencies for each other with favorable conditions.
Fiat to crypto - 2-3%
We conduct a profitable exchange of fiat funds for popular cryptocurrencies. Minimum fees, efficiency and complete anonymity. Check the rates in Telegram.
Cash - 5%
Cash delivery worldwide. Conditions are individual, courier is paid separately in some countries.
Minimum exchange amount - from $100
Without unnecessary checks, documents or verifications. Complete anonymity is your priority.
Telegram: @xgold
Jabber: [email protected]
TOX: F4F437C27B9CC39B5A9BC49ADA482E69FC0E3543D56CB16A793B3DD6418481217D9040960514
I will not waste time on standard advertising slogans about "efficiency, safety and quality". All you need is to see for yourself.
Crypto to fiat - 2-3%
We carry out fast and profitable exchange of cryptocurrencies to fiat with minimal commissions. Check the current rates in Telegram.
Crypto to crypto – 2%
(even dirty money is accepted)
Exchange any cryptocurrencies for each other with favorable conditions.
Fiat to crypto - 2-3%
We conduct a profitable exchange of fiat funds for popular cryptocurrencies. Minimum fees, efficiency and complete anonymity. Check the rates in Telegram.
Cash - 5%
Cash delivery worldwide. Conditions are individual, courier is paid separately in some countries.
Minimum exchange amount - from $100

Without unnecessary checks, documents or verifications. Complete anonymity is your priority.
Telegram: @xgold
Jabber: [email protected]
TOX: F4F437C27B9CC39B5A9BC49ADA482E69FC0E3543D56CB16A793B3DD6418481217D9040960514